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Noteworthy Events

Our Spring Session starts


Monday January 13th for Intermezzo, Concert and Honors Choirs

Wednesday January 15th for Treble Choir and Do Re Mi

Questions? Email Melissa Schlesinger, Managing Director at

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Palatine Children's Chorus nurtures and inspires student achievement through quality music education and the pursuit of artistic excellence in choral music performance.


Palatine Children's Chorus envisions a future where excellence in choral singing is valued and supported for all children in the community – bridging cultures, ethnicity, and economic backgrounds.

To achieve this, the staff and volunteers of Palatine Children's Chorus will...

  • Nurture and develop the abilities of children who love to sing;

  • Ensure quality music education at every level through the pursuit of artistic excellence;

  • Introduce singers to the diverse musical cultures of our community;

  • Develop individual self-confidence and pride through excellence in choral music;

  • Organize opportunities for children to develop friendships and create lifelong memories.

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